Board Governance Advisory Services

  • Presentation and discussion of governance topics including relationship with CEO, strategy and risk oversight, role of key committees, ethic and tone at the top.
  • Board evaluations and director peer reviews

Board Financial Advisory Services

  • Advice relating to M&A processes and transactions
  • Assistance in selecting investment banker advisors
  • Project managment services relating to initial public offerings
  • Presentation and discussion of governance topics including relationship with CEO, strategy and risk oversight, role of key committees, ethic and tone at the top.
  • Board evaluations amnd director peer reviews
Corporate Finance Advisory Services
  • Project management of corporate finance assignments-IPO's and public or private debt and equity offerings
  • Preparation and review of business plans and offering documents
  • Assist in development of Company "positioning" for research analysts, financial intermediaries and institutional investors.
  • Analysis of M&A strategy as a buyer or seller
  • Financial advisory services including financial alternative and capital structure analysis
  • U.S. listing assistance for non-U.S. companies